Lesson 17: Root Position 7th Chords and Scales

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7th chords are fundamental to any guitarist or musician for that matter. It doesn’t matter if you play jazz, rock, funk, or country music. Here I break down 7th chords in the closed position on the D, G, B, and high e strings. I’ve included scales so you can better understand how these chords are built. Once you fully understand how 7th chords are spelled you will also be able to “voice lead” your single-line melodies better. Knowing exactly where your Root, 3rd, 5th, and 7th’s are crucial to being able to play over chord changes. Knowing these 7th chords and their spellings will get you well on your way to creating strong and coherent lines. If you are having trouble understand 7th chords I recommend taking a look at my Triads Lesson. Countless musicians use these tools to create chord progressions and you can also use these chords as a cool way to get “upper structures” of chords. The idea is to hopefully become inspired by these ideas and then try and create something of your own. Being an individual and finding your own voice is extremely important in the world of improvisational music so be patient and try your best to come up with your own ideas.

Below is the YouTube video of the lesson:

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